Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Growing Knowledge

Internet is such a blessed tool for all of us who have it. You can communicate with it, you can get media files that you want from it and the root reason as to why Internet is created is so that you can get knowledge from it. It is this message that this video tried to convey. This very basic, obvious message that people have begun to lose sight of.

Nowadays, people lurk around the internet to play games, competitive or not, listening to music, chatting with friends and such. All these are entertainment. So the question now is, did the Internet really revolutionise how the human civilisation think, act and most of all, progress? Let's compare this to the time when Internet was non-existent. Do people still play games? Yes, in casinos, horse races, on the field playing tag and such. Only difference now is games now come in many different varieties, genres and it's virtual. Do people still listen to music? Of course, back then people still listen to music, right now people still listen to music and in the future people would still listen to music. It's an integral part of the human civilisation. Yet again, with the internet, it only made it easier for people to obtain the piece of music. How about chatting with friends? Well, that's quite obvious isn't it? Anyhow, the difference now is you can talk to people in almost every corner of the world, fast. But did this tool change our way thinking? Honestly, I will say no, for most of us. We're still a creature using amped up tools but maintained old mindsets.

Internet was created to foster knowledge, to act as a library of infinite information flowing from all the corners of the world to make the world a much much better place to live in. We have better facilities and technologies now, you say? Yes, we do. We have far exceeded the times when Roman and Greeks use mere holes that connect to a primitive piping system for defecation. But, compared to them, they exceeded us in terms of their use of technology and how they relate it to humanity, advanced creatures we all are. We have lost a value in our lives while developing our technologies. We went wrong somewhere. We only developed technologies in terms of its physical impact. Did we consider using old, simple technologies to make our value as humans better? Rarely. In this day and age, teenagers especially stay cooped-up in their dwellings serving the command of the computer. They are addicted to it. And it's mostly not for knowledge. I believe this is where we went wrong. The impact of making Internet too accessible without preparing the society to utilise it the proper way.

Looking back at this video, at myself. I realized, I too, have lost this insight, this purpose of making the world a better place for the people to live in, not just in terms of physical development but among others our value as humans. We are no different from dodos if we choose not to progress and stay in our comfort zone without trying new things that we can always have access to through the infinite library of Internet.

Source of inspiration: Mainly this video but also this. A rather good blog and point of view, I'd say.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Deviation from the Sky.

As I look at the sky, I noticed that there are many different colours and shapes, irregular and regular ones that make up this beautiful scene. Sometimes when you look at it, you feel free. Some other times, you feel motivated. And at some other rare times, you feel melancholic. Melancholic of the time that has passed, of the people that has gone by and of the place that have changed. The time definitely have changed. It's life ticks away at every moment without us, noticing. Back then, things were a lot easier. They were a lot more simpler. It's true that with the invention of new things like sound recognition, automated lock systems and more efficient hardwares make our life a lot easier. So why do I say it was a lot easier back then? Looking through a different perspective, my doubts came. What did it really take to make such a thing? What was the time used to come up with all those improvements and correct all those errors? What about the person that innovated the technology? I'm pretty sure he had a tough time. As things become more and more advanced, the more and more brain power it requires to change it, to make it progress. So is life really getting simpler?

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Okay. This blog is created purely for the sake of relinquishing my boredness. You see, I am free most of the time and I have nothing to do. The fact that I have no actual thing to do DRIVES ME CRAZY. I NEED TO CHANNEL MY BRAIN POWER SOMEWHERE DAMMIT!